Friday, June 24, 2016

Roadway Improvements to Begin

Work Completed Last Week, June 20th to June 24th  
·         Continued with concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway apron replacements that were damaged during construction or in poor condition.
·         Made repair to water main connection near north end of project site due to unforeseen circumstance.
·         Adjust manholes within curb & gutter to final grade to allow for new concrete curb & gutter to be installed.

Work Anticipated to be completed Next week, June 27th to July 1st
·         Complete concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway apron replacements that were damaged during construction or in poor condition.
·         Remove existing pavement in preparation for new asphalt pavement
·         Perform repairs to existing materials to provide suitable material under pavement as needed
·         Grade existing materials in preparation for new asphalt pavement
·         Install first layer of asphalt pavement

The contractor was unable to complete the concrete replacements as anticipated last week. The contractor is planning to complete the remaining the concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway apron replacements early next week. If the concrete curb & gutter or sidewalk in front of your driveway or concrete driveway apron is being replaced, access to your driveway will be restricted for 4-5 days. Residents affected by driveway restrictions will be notified prior to removing, framing, and pouring the driveway to give you ample time to remove any vehicles from your driveway or garage.

The project is moving into a new phase next week, roadway rehabilitation. The contractor will remove the existing pavement, perform needed repairs, and grade the existing materials as needed in preparation for the new asphalt pavement. If all goes as planned, the first layer of asphalt pavement will be installed next week, prior to the July 4th Holiday.

The installation of the first layer of asphalt pavement is a major project milestone. Once this layer of pavement is installed, the amount of dust is greatly reduced and a smooth driving surface will be provided.

Following the paving of the first layer of asphalt pavement, the contractor will begin landscape restorations, final testing and inspection of the underground utilities, adjusting manholes, and other miscellaneous tasks prior to installing the final asphalt surface layer.

Thank you again for all your patience and understanding have you have been dealing with the dust and uneven roadway for the past few months. If all goes as planned, the first layer of asphalt pavement will be installed prior to the weekend and provide relief for both of these inconveniences.